Core Values

What We Value


We want you to succeed in your life. In order to become all God desires us to be, we must properly manage all He has given us; time, money, abilities, etc. The purpose of this is to expand His kingdom (1 Corinthians 4:2; 1 Peter 4:10). Therefore, we encourage every member to adopt a lifestyle of stewardship that recognizes God’s ownership of everything and to practice the biblical principle of giving to support the work of the church.

Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that he was crucified, dead, and buried and on the third day He arose from the dead and ascended on high where He took His Seat at the right hand of God the Father.

Life Transformation

We want to help you pursue a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. All Christians are responsible for becoming more like Christ in their beliefs and conduct (Ephesians 4:13; Colossians 1:28). Therefore, we will provide opportunities for every believer to develop a Christian worldview and thus engage the culture wherein they live, work, and interact.


NVOM is all about relationships-first with God and then with one another.  God instructs Christians to cultivate loving relationships as a community of believers (Romans 12:10; 1 John 4:7-11). Therefore, we will actively pursue personal, family, and ministerial relationships characterized by integrity, mutual accountability, mutual serving, mutual encouragement, and mutual honoring.


Your family is important to us.  The family is God’s foundational institution for human society (Matthew 19:5-6; Ephesians 5:22-6:4). Therefore, we encourage lifelong commitments to marriage between one man and one woman; we support the ongoing nurture of the family; and we are committed to honoring the priority of family time through our ministries and activities.


Prayer is the centerpiece and foundation of all that we do.  It is the privilege and responsibility of every Christian. God unleashes His power in the lives of those who spend time in prayer (Matthew 6:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:17). Therefore, we will intentionally seek to set aside specific times for private, family, and corporate prayer.


Here at NVOM we want you to experience God in a personal way.  We were created by God to worship Him, and glorifying God is the ultimate reason for our existence (John 4:23-24). Therefore, we will seek to praise and worship Him passionately-as individuals, as families, and as a local church.